

- 1 min read


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Access the world’s best AI in one place (unlimited): chat with 15+ AI models, generate images with 12+ image models, ask questions in PDFs/documents, browse the web, role play, research, and more! Founded by former VP of Siri co-founders (


  1. Chat with more than 15 AI models
  2. More than 12 image models to generate images
  3. All-in-one: chat, images, PDFs, browsing, role play, research and more!
  4. Increase your productivity: Choose from a variety of powerful AI assistants. Whether you’re writing the next great novel, researching an academic paper, learning a new language, or writing a new app, Fastlane’s AI will help you reach your goals faster.
  5. Powerful Tools, Endless Possibilities: Simplify your life with a variety of powerful tools and add-ons. Whether you’re searching the internet (with citations), generating beautiful images, or uploading entire books for chat, Fastlane has you covered.
